Nature Machine Intelligence 2023

Nature Machine Intelligence 2023

🎓 Paper

Visual Computing
for Inverse Problems
And Machine Learning

Andrew Spielberg, Fangcheng Zhong, Konstantinos Rematas, Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula, Cengiz Oztireli, Tzu-Mao Li, Derek Nowrouzezahrai

Modern 3D computer graphics technologies are able to reproduce the dynamics and appearance of real world environments and phenomena, building atop theoretical models in applied mathematics, statistics, and physics.  These methods are applied in architectural design and visualization, biological imaging, and visual effects. Differentiable methods, instead, aim to determine how graphics outputs (i.e., the real world dynamics or appearance) change when the environment changes.  We survey this growing body of work and propose a holistic and unified differentiable visual computing pipeline. Differentiable visual computing can be leveraged to efficiently solve otherwise intractable problems in physical inference, optimal control, object detection and scene understanding, computational design, manufacturing, autonomous vehicles, and robotics. Any application that can benefit from an understanding of the underlying dynamics of the real world stands to benefit significantly from a differentiable graphics treatment.

We draw parallels between the well-established computer graphics pipeline and a unified differentiable graphics pipeline, targeting consumers, practitioners and researchers. The breadth of fields that these pipelines draws upon --- and are of interest to --- includes the physical sciences, data sciences, vision and graphics, machine learning, and adjacent mathematical and computing communities.